2012 — 2022
SUNDAY UTOPIA was the motto for my storytelling production

As a creative personn, my deep desire has always been to become a film director. In 2012, I was strugling and had only time to listen music. I started to make some playlists which were very narrative [Read more about: Here]. Therefore I decided to finally study the art of storytelling through some books. Then, I began my utopia to write.
I writed in french some anticipation sceanrii in legacy of the Cyberpunk movement. I writed also contemporary drama based on a social topic with some influences from the Underground Cinema. I was writing under pressure in time gaps. My sceanarrii projects were as much narrative as much visual. Therefore they could work only at cinema and none as a book
Every major events, like a new president, a new technology, a crisis, a virus,… renew the society and that made out of date some scenarii-in-process. Over scenarii pass through the time and can be achieved. For everyone, direct one of his scenarii is another story. To be a 100% independant filmaker would be my perfect way but even make a NO-budget film is too expensive for any average personn (particularly if you wish to record on film).
During the Coronavirus outbreak, there was a hiatus in the film production & a forbidden access to cinema therefore I have lost interest. Considering that the movie industry is a sport for riches broken by that COVID-19 crisis, I decided it might be better for me to write some stories for books…
As it is suggested in the logotype, the Utopia was also about fighting the oligarchy via some committed films.
In 2022, the iconics fake-Queen ELIZABETH II and the real-Punk Jean-Luc GODARD died respectively. Chess and math! She passed out although the N.W.O. is still standing. However the victory of the Just is not an utopia, it has been pomised…
According to my recent believe in JESUS CHRIST [Read more about: Here], I couldn’t really made a film in total opposition with the enemy. I disapprove them forever however I don’t want to interfere in the GOD’s plan about the Apocalyptic Prophecy.
So, I have decided to stop this storytelling acitvity.
At the end, I finished only one novel and bearly one scenario but I keep a gold project secret named « Point of No Return ».
I will probabbly continue to write in another way…
2012 — 2022